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Antrim Church has held several  important seminars and special events.  After the events, videos will be posted to this page for your viewing convenience.

Our Christian church (Antrim BIC Church) recognizes a diversity of convictions of conscience on a variety of issues. One of the most important of these matters is the question of vaccination for Covid-19. Some in our faith community, based on their research and personal understanding, have chosen to be vaccinated. Others among us, also based on their research and personal understanding, have not. This is one area among many where we believe the gospel unites us across secondary or tertiary boundary lines. As government and employer mandates regarding the vaccine increase, if you are one who, for reasons of religiously informed conscience, do not believe you should receive any of the Covid-19 vaccinations we want you to know that we (Antrim’s pastors, board, staff, and church as a whole) recognize and support that as a valid position of Christian conscience. If you would like a statement of pastoral endorsement in support of securing a religious exemption from this particular set of vaccines, please see any of the staff and we would be happy to assist you. (For clarity’s sake, we do not have the power to grant an exemption—that has to be worked out between you and your employer—but we can write a pastoral statement in support of your objection as a matter of Christian conscience.)
Grace & Peace,  Adam Meredith for the Antrim Board & Staff