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Sunday School

Every Sunday we have the privilege of sharing the love of Jesus with each child who walks through our doors. We offer Sunday School classes each Sunday for children ages 4- 5th grade from 9:30 – 10:30 am.

Wednesday Evenings

Children ages 4-5th grade are invited to join us from 6:30-8:00 pm each Wednesday evening for lots of fun and learning! The children play games together in the FLC, then they go to their classroom for an engaging Bible lesson. Discovery Cove Kids is held from September through April. Nursery is available.


Our Infant Nursery, for children age birth to age 2, is located down the hallway to the right of the FLC .  Our Toddler Class, for 2 and 3 year olds, is located to the left of the FLC.  Our volunteers provide loving care for children during both worship services and the Sunday School hour.

Frieda Stayman

Children’s Ministry Director

[email protected]

Brooke Custer

Early Childhood Coordinator

[email protected]

Please contact us with any questions. We would be happy to talk to you and give you a tour of our Children’s Ministry!

Volunteer Information

We invite you to join our team of dedicated volunteers!! If you would be interested in helping in our Children’s Ministry, please contact Frieda or Brooke.